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Sunday, October 10, 2004

Website Updated

We finally decided that it was time to update the website ( Of course, I, Shan, am the web developer and therefore got stuck with the task. Actually, "stuck" isn't a good word since I love web design and have a great deal of fun creating new images and sites. :)

On the home front, we are still enjoying our new home greatly. Over the last week, we have had some instances where life wasn't as perfect in the home (mailbox falling off the wall, garage door not closing, medicine cabinet shelf falling off). The fix-it items though have been a great deal of fun - installing a new outdoor light, window well covers, etc. It feels good to be doing these things for ourselves and since Greg's health has been stable, we are taking advantage of it.

Speaking of health - Greg has been off IVs for some time now and doing well. We are both going for our flu shots (mandatory to get the transplant) and luckily we are on the high priority list for the shots since there aren't many out there. Greg has his moments where he is short of breath but his zeal for life is stronger than ever.