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Monday, October 11, 2004

Why us?

When struck with a terminal illness, most people tend to ask "why us?". Yes, I have asked the same question too but when I asked Greg about this, he said that he has never asked "why me?" throughout his whole life. Heck, that would have been one of the first questions I would have asked myself if given such a disease. Well, had I been the "old me", I would have.Since meeting Greg, our lives have been nothing but a rollercoaster ride. Either something is happening in my family (long story) or his health is up and down. With around 18% lung function left today, even a slight tilt in the downward angle is bad. Unfortunately, every day brings its good and bad times. Lately, Greg has been short of breath once again and his energy peaks and not much long after, he needs to take a nap. At this time, there is nothing we can do but sit, wait, pray for his miracle transplant, and keep him as healthy as we can.Why us? Well, why not us? I often tell people that only the strongest people get such horrible diseases because they are the only ones that can them. This doesn't mean that we should all turn weak - it just means that there is a strength and determination in people with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) or any other "terminal" disease that us "healthy" people cannot comprehend. In turn, we need to look at life for the gift it is. Had Greg been born in the 1950's or 1960's rather than the 1970's, he may have not lived past 2 months old. But today, he is a strong willed and determined man who never asks "why me?".