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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Not a Cold!

My heart skipped a beat again this morning. It had been some time since it last took a moment to restart. "My juice has vitamin C in it, right?" echoed my husband. I knew in that moment what he was going to say after my brief response of "yes". He took a Cold-Eeze when he woke up and the package states not to have vitamin C for 30 minutes before or after taking one. The words "Vitamin C" in our house automatically raise a red flag and rightfully so; Greg had a sore throat.

Normally, sore throats are a dime a dozen. However, when you are a double-lung transplant recipient and have an immune system that is suppressed, a simple sore throat can turn into much worse. My mind automatically went into a calming state after my heart began to rejoin the living. My wonderful husband has been able to bounce back from every cold without even a sneeze after his transplant because he takes care of himself so well. Why should this time be any different? Heck, I get tons of colds around him and he sweetly takes care of me; the one that has a perfectly good working immune system and no prior transplant. Ironic how the cards unfold.

As for this little sore throat; I will allow myself to remain calm until he turns to me and tells me otherwise. He was born with this body and knows it better than anyone. Who am I to doubt?



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