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Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Secret

Going through a major illness or a life saving transplant can be extremely difficult for most. They started to think about all the negative that can happen in their lives or the lives of those they love. Instead of making preparations for the "just in case", they call it "when it happens".

The problem is, I believe, that many allow their fears to invade their mind. Throughout Greg's illness and recovery, we would often say to each other "where the mind goes, the body follows". It is more true than most people understand. Without a positive attitude, without the ability to push the doubts and fears away, the body will follow down the negative and painful path. It is not only important to think positively but also to feel positive.

Sure, we hit our bad moments. However, it is was during those moments when we would turn around and say out loud that although there was nothing we could do to change what just happened, we could choose where to go from here. We needed to take we we had and use it to our advantage. This is, what I believe, to be the secret of Greg's miraculous health. He lived with a terminal illness since his birth and yet received two degrees and went onto work full time. Then he got married and it was only shortly after this that he got very sick and almost died. Why? He was depressed from being laid off of his job at that time.

The positive flow of energy and love started over in that moment and saved his life. Nine months on a ventilator and 3.5 years waiting for a double lung transplant. After all that wait, he was only in the hospital 10 after his transplant and has had not even the slightest form of rejection in the 2.5 years since his transplant. Yes, we are blessed by God and the fact that we know - where the mind goes, the body follows.

Where do you want your body to go?



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