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Monday, May 12, 2008

A moment of silence...

Angel Cloud
The past weekend there was news of a medical helicopter crash here in Wisconsin. These events are always very sad but this one touched us even more because it was a UW-Madison hospital helicopter.

Why does that mean so much to us? Well, first because UW-Madison is where my husband, Greg, received his bilateral lung transplant. Second, when Greg was deathly ill back in 2002-2003 from complications with his Cystic Fibrosis, they placed him into a room right near the helicopter landing pad for this hospital. At first we were quite annoyed because the helicopter was loud but after a while we would turn to each other and say "Maybe that are the new lungs" every time they landed. That helicopter and crew brought hope every time they landed and it was our faith, belief, and hope that kept us going through those hard times of illness.

As an act of faith, this post serves to recognize and remember those that were aboard and did not survive. May peace, love, and happiness follow you wherever you travel for you were our angels in great time of need. God bless!

For full story on the crash: Med Flight helicopter crash kills all 3 on crew



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