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Monday, August 25, 2008

Why so healthy?

Person on a mountain
Why not?

Yes, there are a number of transplant patients that get sick or even die after their life-saving organ or tissue transplant. What makes Greg different then the masses that have gone through the same miracle?

I have asked my husband this a couple of times over the years. From time to time I will mention a friend who has become ill or a news article that I read recently where someone overcomes all the odds. His answer is so simple and yet so powerful - he doesn't think about illness. There is absolutely no room for it in his life or thoughts. He lives by the Law of Attraction. What he thinks about, good or bad, will come to be in his life.

It is not so much of saying "I don't want to be sick" as you are thinking about sickness and therefore will get more illness. It is more of thinking you are a healthy and vibrant being and not only saying but also feeling this to the core of your being that brings more health your way.

With everything that Greg has overcome in his life, he dwells not on the possibility of more illness in his future but rather takes a deep breath and allows himself to feel his new lungs expanding with an over abundance of health. No thoughts of illness, in one way or another enter his mind. Even if he is feeling a bit run down, he never utters the words "I am sick" or "I am tired" but rather "I am healthy" and "I am full of energy". With those thoughts, the universe hears and delivers more health and energy.

The secret to my husband's 3.5 years of post transplant health without so much as even an ounce of rejection - the law of attraction. If the negative doesn't exist and is never given weight, then the positive will become more powerful and continue to rein supreme.


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