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Monday, October 06, 2008


By: Terri L. Willis

You sent me chasing after this destiny
Impossible as it once seemed,
I'm told, it is something I have to do

Unsure of why I accepted it,
questioning what I'm getting into
I took you up on that destiny
Never thinking where it would lead me
or what it would teach me

Fear of enduring the unknown
Unsure of that something unseen
Many times, I've wanted to walk away
calling an end to all of this senseless pain

Try as I have to fight and ignore it
you're always there, you won't let me
you remind me, "You have my gift, use it."

Just when I think "I can't", I think of you and can.
My own faith and insanity have taken me far
but no matter how far I've got, it's never enough
You're always there; never allowing me to stay content.
The question remains "What next?"
Now I know why I accepted that destiny

I've come to see, what it's about
I'm the only one who will ever stop me.
No matter what I have to go through
I will always find a way to get there
It's that impossible that keeps me
and brings me back for more
Thank you for giving me your destiny

I've got myself into your gift
Letting it be known and seen
Life...It works...Live it and give it



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