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Thursday, October 06, 2005

It's not my fault!!

Okay, so not posting the day before yesterday is my fault but I was exhausted from having worked the entire night before on a computer system release that could only be done after business hours. Yesterday though, was NOT my fault. It seems that the blogger had a last minute downtime scheduled to update their systems. Of course, I would choose the exact time to post a blog entry when their system was down. (laugh) Murphy's Law I suppose... or as my mother says "Mahoney's Law" (my mother's family name).

So, I am making up for it now. I am posting this extra early for your viewing pleasure. What will be the topic of the day? I have no idea! (laugh) I do know that some things have changed in the family. Greg had originally decided not to work full time once his current work contract was up so that he could pay more attention to his health. Well, that was a short lived endeavor! When he first told me this a couple of months ago, I knew it would not last. Greg loves what he does - architectural drafting for medical buildings - and he is good at what he does. He has an uncanny natural gift for this type of work that I often find myself jealous of his passion for it. So, I have decided to not push the topic and allow him to do what he wants. As the transplant hospital said: "We give you new lungs so that you can live - not be scared to live." He did agree that he would wear a mask in the office during the winter should anyone else in the office be sick and decide to infect everyone else. He also agreed that he would limit his work days and if he needs to work overtime to get a project out, he will work on a weekend day instead. Needless to say, I am satisfied with the arrangement.

All is well on my life. I mostly work from home for my company since my team is in MA and I am in WI. Driving into the office with high gas prices doesn’t make sense. On top of that, Greg and I will be doing a volunteer transport this weekend. There was this cute 2 year old Labrador retriever that was rescued from a kill shelter in Indiana. Well, his new forever home is in Michigan so we are helping get him to his new forever home on Saturday. Someone will be meeting us locally to drop him off and then we are driving 2 hours north to meet the next person - which just happens to be his new owner. We are greatly excited and rescuing a dog from a kill shelter gives us a sense of satisfaction that nothing else can compare. Dakota (our 7.5 month old chocolate lab) will be joining us on the trip. She will love having a travel companion for the trip and hopefully she won’t throw a fuss when we hand Max over to his new owner. (smile) Dakota loves other dogs - all sizes and shapes - and hates parting with them.

Hmm - not much of a post but an update post nonetheless. I know I am usually a very verbal and humorous type of person in my posts but it is 6:30am - give a girl a break! (laugh) Plus I have to get ready to go with Greg to the car shop so that he can drop off his car for repairs and he will use my car for the day - he always looks so cute driving a car with dolphins on it and a NY ANGEL license plate. (big laugh) Guess that is the price for borrowing my car!
