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Monday, July 24, 2006

Kidney Stone Update

It seems like it has been forever since Greg had a kidney stone. Driving him to the hospital emergency room was not a fun thing, but we are happy to say it was his only kidney stone! The oncologist today said that there is no sign of any kidney stones on his x-ray or CT scan so there is a good change we will never have to go through that again. He was sent on his way from the doctor's office with a prescription stating that he needs to continue to drink lots of water. Sure, it was music to my ears, but I think it was the biggest relief that Greg has ever had in his life.

Ironic how he was able to make it through a double lung transplant and he never gave much thought to the procedure and recovery time. Heck, the only major things he hated about it was one portion of the prep and the chest tubes. Now, if we bring up his kidney stone incident, his face turns green and his eyes roll in the back of his head. He stated it as one of the most horrible pains imaginable to man. Given that I have never had one, I cannot confirm or deny that statement. However, I can say that my husband is a very strong man and he does not make statements idly.

From each experience we learn something new and it is growing from that experience that matters most. Since his kidney stone incident, Greg has been drinking 2 pints of water a day (not including all the fruits he eats). It just goes to show that the most painful or complex situations can usually be fixed with something very simply that you have at your fingertips.


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