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Friday, October 22, 2004

The bouncing rabbit

Do you know what it is like to have a bouncing rabbit in your home? I am not talking about a cute little furry bunny but a 5'9", 30-year-old, grown man. Why is he "bouncing"? Because the doctors have put him on a small dose of steroids in order to get rid of a wheeze that he has developed.Yes, the wheeze is almost gone yet again but in its place is a man that cannot sit still. Normally Greg is in his oversized "home" clothes and rarely has shoes on in the house. Now, he keeps his shoes on and is racing around the house (and outside) looking for something to do. Yesterday his mind began to race about a possible new business venture, paying bills, sorting through stuff, etc. - without a rest.Should I be concerned? Not at all - this is his "normal" while on steroids. What concerns me is if he only has 18% lung function and is like this on a very small dose of steroids, I cannot even imagine when he gets his new lungs (85% lung function or better) and has all that oxygen running through his body AND on a very high dose of steroids.Umm.. yeah... doc... can we get a prescription for a sedative too before you release Greg with his new lungs? I fear I may staple him to the house wall so he will stay in on place for more than 30 seconds? (laugh)