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Sunday, October 09, 2005

Lab Transport and Chores

Yesterday we (Greg, Dakota, and I) spent a great deal of time in our car transporting a 2-year old yellow Labrador retriever from Milwaukee to Green Bay. He was rescued from a kill shelter in Kentucky and we were part of its journey home to its new family in Michigan. Although it was a long trip, we were glad to do it and would easily do it again.

Because of this trip, all other daily chores were pushed aside until today. And let me tell you that our chores ganged up on us from no where. Could you believe I have done 11 loads of laundry in the last 24 hours? No, we aren’t dirty people and no, we don’t have clothes galore. It was the fall cleaning and winter clothes "refreshing" that needed to be done. You see, when you have a person that has had a lung transplant and add in a woman that is HIGHLY allergic to dust mites; all things sitting around must be cleaned. And so they were... cleaned like this is no tomorrow. It is sad because I actually miss the office when I am doing work like this. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy house stuff like upgrades and even fixes but the every day tasks such as laundry and dishes lack luster. :) You can't just sit back and say 'Ahh - now will you look at the wonderful thing I did - I am sure glad I did that!" (laugh) Nope, it is more like: "Thank goodness THAT is over!!" I wouldn’t expect anyone else to do it though. Even though I would love someone to come here now and light a fire under Greg to get him to finish up. His goodwill clothes have been sitting on the bed for over an hour now and he cannot find the time to get off the couch and put them in the bag - the bag that just happens to be right next to the bed that the clothes are on. (laugh) As Greg's childhood doctor says: "It must be the defective Y chromosome!" (big laugh) Too bad there isn’t a transplant for that! ;)
