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Monday, September 18, 2006

New Blog Design

If you haven't noticed already, we have a new blog design. I wanted something that would portray my true feelings and the person I am deep down inside. Yeah, I know - I usually don't even hug people or get too touchy so how can I go for a design that is touchy-feely? Well, it is because this is the true me. Unfortunately, my raising wasn't the best and there were a number of people that hurt me. Given that, I have become a little more reserved in person and lack the ability to get too emotional with others - especially other women. Needless to say, I am a very laid back woman who would much rather get lost at the beach then on the Internet. My feet planted firmly on the white sand beaches, walking hand-in-hand with the love of my life, while our two chocolate Labs run in and out of the ocean tide. That is truly where my heart lay.


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