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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Strength Unknown

It still amazes me how there are some people we have known for years that never even knew Greg was ever sick, let alone had a double lung transplant. A neighbor and I were talking earlier this week and I had mentioned how we are going on an overseas vacation. During this conversation, I made a statement about the amount of medications Greg will need to bring with him and pass through customs. She was shocked to learn that my wonderful husband had a double lung transplant just 2.5 years ago and that he was born with a terminal illness called Cystic Fibrosis. She was well aware of the disease and it was just amazing to watch her face as I went through the details of his health as though it was nothing.

No, it is not "nothing". It is just that I have gone through the conversation so many times that it is second nature to me. I had become numb from the disease years ago, however, I am still amazed by the power and spiritual strength my husband wields on a daily basis. It seems that this strength was unknown to this neighbor and just the look in her eyes showed me that this conversation, in some small way, truly brightened her day.



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