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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A Card, A Thought

It is amazing the things you will find when you least expect. While shopping for Father's Day cards, I came across a "off the beat" card that took my attention. The card was an organ donation card meant to be given from the recipient/family to the donor/family. It simply states: "What you did was amazing, beyond generous and kind. You started a miracle. You gave the gift of lift." and on the inside, it states: "How can anyone thank you enough for that?"

Rightfully so. How can anyone thank the donor and family enough for the gift that they gave? Of course, I bought the card and have it sitting by my side, ready to send to the transplant hospital so that it may be forwarded to our donor family. However, I am a bit nervous. You see, Greg sent a letter over a year ago without a response. I never did send anything because of the lack of response he received. Now I wonder if I should send the card now, send it when he reaches his 3-year transplant anniversary in November, or not send it at all. I couldn't even begin to imagine what the donor's family went through and what they may still be going through. I do know that Greg's aunt has been contacted by the person that received his uncle's corneas during the summer of the same year Greg received his double lung transplant. His aunt was very touched and I believe she responded. However, each family is different... it seems this is something I need to pray on for a while before sending.



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