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Monday, September 10, 2007

Leaving a Legacy

I have begun reading "The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness" but Stephen Covey and I have to tell you that it is a great reminder about what is important in life. Just yesterday, I was talking to my cousin-in-law and she told me that my cousin (who is like a brother to me) has begun smoking again. Ugh! Fine, so I know nothing about the "need" to smoke as I have never tried to smoke myself but I have to say it is one of the most disgusting habits I have ever witnessed. On top of that, I have gone through a period of some months where my wonderful husband had a trach and I had to suction the most nastiest stuff coming out of his lungs. Remember, he had Cystic Fibrosis lungs and it was not smoking that caused his old lungs to be so yucky. Just think of what a smoker's lungs look like and what kind of junk is building up inside!

Needless to say, I reminder her of my past experience with suctioning junk of our someones lungs in the hope that she would get dead set on getting him to quit smoking. Honestly, once you have seen a person suctioned, you never want to take up smoking or smoke again!

So, this goes back to the book I am reading and leaving a legacy. It is not by our words but by our own actions to live life to the fullest that leave the greatest legacy. It is not enough to tell someone to stop smoking but to demonstrate personal knowledge and experience that will help the person to make more well informed decisions in their lives. This does guarantee a change in people but it will make them think twice about the path they choose when faced with a decision - the road to growth and well being or the road to repeat past failures and poor health.

What type of legacy are you leaving based on your daily actions?

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