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Monday, October 08, 2007

Bye Bye Colds

So the cold is finally starting to go away and Greg says that he didn't cough once yesterday. Lately he had been coughing a lot because of the post nasal drip and it was even keeping him up all night. Now it is barely recognizable and he is starting to feel more like his normal self. So much so that he was able to make it through a day of outside dog training, food shopping, and hours upon hours of football. Fine, the last thing is easy for any man to do but when you are sick, normally you fall asleep in front of the television. I am happy to report that football actually did not put him to sleep due to a cold! (laugh)

He is going to wait until tomorrow to see if the cold is gone before calling the transplant clinic to report it. Since they only have open clinic on Mondays, he would not be able to get in for another week unless his spirometery numbers were to decrease. Thank the heavens that his lung functions have held high during this entire cold and there has been no reason to call the doctor up until now. Why call now? Well, we were just a bit concerned about the post nasal drip making its way into his healthy new lungs. A little may be fine but when you have a cold and you are a double lung transplant recipient, you leave nothing to chance.

Hopefully there is no need for a transplant clinic appointment in our near future. Let's just keep our fingers crossed.



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