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Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Pain in the arm

It comes only once a year for us but this time of year is a pain in the arm. That is - flu shot season. Oh! The blasted flu shot that it seems almost impossible to get was not a problem for us. Being Greg's primary care giver, I brought a note in from both his CF and Transplant clinics saying that I had to get the shot and Greg was able to get his directly from his CF clinic.In order to get this shot, I had to line up at my clinic with what seemed to be an endless line of older individuals. After about 5 minutes, it seems that I became part of the staff. Some people had problems hearing their numbers called out so, being the person I am, I would call out their number in the waiting room and point them in the direction of the cubicle they were called to. What was the end result? Well, about 7 people adopted me as their new granddaughter, several old men wanted to take me home (don't ask *laugh*), and the nurses thanked me with what they called a square needle. (laugh) Well, when I said "ouch" to the needle, the nurse replied "We saved the square needle for you". Maybe the old guys told her to do that because I rejected their offers to go home with them . . . (laugh)