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Friday, October 14, 2005

The weekend is upon us

Yes, another weekend is here and we are tired beyond compare. Nothing major has happened this weekend with the small exception of Greg not having to do anymore inhaled medications. (Now that is a cause to celebrate!) Otherwise, we are just living life as normal as we can and making sure to get our home ready for the winter and the new puppy that is due to bless our house in January.

It is in times like these, the "down time” that I used to get nervous. It was during this time that the least expected would happen and Greg would get sick. But if I were to live my life in fear, then what life would I be leading? We should be enjoying each moment instead of fearing for the next. Life is precious... and should be enjoyed at a slow pace... for even a good wine takes time to develop. :)

On a side note though, I do ask for your prayers at this time. My uncle just went through an emergency heart bypass yesterday and I have yet to hear an update. He is 70 years old and this was quite a shock. So, if you could, please keep Frank Dillman from Sanford, FL in your prayers. Thank you and God Bless!
