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Saturday, March 04, 2006

A simple change

Yes, I changed the design of the blog because the old one was getting hard to read for some people. This one has cleaner lines, lighter background, and seems a little less clutter. I do apologize for the headline text on each of the posts - seems a little squished but as soon as I figure out how to change it, I will. Promise!

Now onto life in our lane. Everything, thank God, is going well. I surprised my wonderful husband today when I told him how good he is looking because of all the working out. Of course, I waited for a compliment back, since I have been working out as well but, he is a man and forgets what woman want to hear. (wink) Anyway - as I told him this, I noticed that this is the first time his arms were starting to get muscular and he was sitting/standing taller. You see, back before he got his new lungs, he would hunch over and slouch his back because it was easier to breathe. The chest muscles weren't pulling tight across the chest and this released pressure on his lungs. With Cystic Fibrosis lungs, any pressure is not easily taken, and right before his transplant he only had around 10% lung function so he needed every breath he could get. Due to his miracle transplant and working out, his back is now straighter and he is able to build muscle. His once bulged Cystic Fibrosis belly (common) is now getting lean and streamlined. As I said this, he blushed - yet another marvel since he had not blushed for a long time before his transplant. His skin was always grey or a shade of blue due to the lack of oxygen so any blushing was always hidden behind the lifeless complexion. So, I guess it was more than one gift I got today - the gift of seeing my husband in great form and witnessing his first ever blush in our 10+ year relationship. Small miracles but miracles nonetheless.



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