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Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Health & Sickness

First off, let me start by saying that my friend Shana is now out of the hospital and doing well. They will most likely have to bronch her and put a stent in because her airways are narrowing a bit but that is nothing compared to what she has gone through. My husband has had his stent for over a year because of a "floppy" airway and it has done a wonderful job of keeping the air flowing perfectly to the lower lobe of his right lung. Although Shana still has some things to go through, she is home and breathing!

Now, let's get to my worry. My heart sank this morning as I watched my wonderful husband, Greg, cough up a little stuff this morning shortly after waking. He believes that his stent got a little clogged up because he was sleeping on his back all night. So, with that, I didn't worry. Well, that was until he said that his back hurt - the lower back to be more specific and straight across. Again, he says it is nothing to worry about as he probably had the bed too soft last night (we have a Sleep Number bed). For those that know us or know our story, this is what happened back in 2002 when Greg came down with a nasty pneumonia that kept him the hospital for 9 weeks, on a vent for 8 months, and almost took his life. He just woke up one morning with a pain in his back and it was downhill from there. Now he tells me he has a pain in his back so I told him to take his temperature, do his spirometry (lung function test), and take a couple of Tylenol.

Thank God, he has no fever and his lung functions are normal. Just recently I spoke to him and he said that the Tylenol did the trick and he doesn't have any more back pain. The joy overcame me as I felt like crying on the spot out of relief. That was until he told me that he doesn't know if he is going to work out tonight because his stomach is bothering him. What??? Okay - how did we go from lungs to back to stomach all in a matter of 4 hours??? He has nausea and otherwise is fine so I can't jump the gun but I can see the gun slowly turning itself this way. Oh how I hate this! Sure, it could be nothing more than too many eaten squishy bunnies (Easter Circus Peanut Candy) last night but he never gets an upset stomach and if he gets sick, he could be tossing his anti-rejection pills as well as those innocent looking candy bunnies. Now that is a problem! But, it is a problem he tells me not to worry about as he tried to console me on the phone. It is a pain to worry but even worse when you worry about something when you don't know if there is something to worry about. (takes a deep breath)

Okay, calm down Shannon - nothing to worry about here. Remember that fear is nothing more than False Evidence Affecting Reality so there is nothing to fear... Right?



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