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Thursday, February 09, 2006


It is during times like these that we realize how precious life is. A few years ago, I had the pleasure of becoming friends with another wife of a man with cystic fibrosis (CF). She jokingly sent me an email stating that she was stalking me - having done searches for my emails on a cystic fibrosis online support group. We were similar - too similar. We were both married to wonderful men who happened to be stricken with this horrible disease. Both of our husbands were hanging in there but not doing so well. The emails went back and forth, even though we were only a few towns away. It was difficult for us to get together because ours husbands' could easily catch something from each other. My husband was listed for a double lung transplant and then her husband was listed as well - same hospital, same transplant team.

Her husband only waited 5 months for his miracle and mine had waited around 3.5 years. Why the difference in the waits? Blood type, tissue type, and size play a huge role and you learn patience.

Now, to the reality of life. I received an email from her stating that her husband was admitted to the hospital with 103 degree temperature and was put on oxygen. They believe it is pneumonia but with his fever still over 100 degrees and being kept on 4L of oxygen, it is a reality of how easily someone with a lung transplant can get sick. This is the reality that my husband and I live in and, of course, we both got nervous hearing this news. Not only for our friend in the hospital but for my husband. So, out comes extra doses of Purell, lots of vitamin C, and antibacterial wipes. Just goes to show that when given a second chance at life, one must do everything in their power to keep that miracle alive.


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