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Sunday, January 15, 2006

Slight Scare

Sleep deprived because of the new puppy and trying to keep up with the normalcy of life, we woke up in a bit of a haze. Our attitudes were a little frayed and we were both easily irritated. But after everything we have been through in our lives together, we have learned that these times do pass and don't make that big of a deal of them.

After a while, we started to feel like our old selves again and gave each other a big hug. By this point, the winter wind outside had chilled my bones and as Greg gave me a hug, it felt that I was being hugged by a furnace. His body was way too warm. Immediately I told him how warm he felt to me and he took his temperature. It was a steaming 98.2 degrees! What a relief - it was just me. My bones were so cold from the Wisconsin winter that I had myself scared that he had a temperature and automatically, my mind started to flood with thoughts about what we needed to do and would he have to be admitted to the hospital. Thank goodness we both know how to remain relatively calm during situations like this because some may have started to panic rather than just have their mind wander. Such is the life of post-transplant patients.



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