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Monday, January 09, 2006

Keeping up with it

It is surprising how life can have its ups and downs at the drop of a hat. One minute you are able to relax on the couch and in the next minute, you don't have enough time to blink. Since we just got a new puppy (now 9-week old chocolate lab), our schedule has been flipped upside down. We have been taking turns sleeping on the couch next to the crate and trying to get this little girl housebroken. But, with the watching of this new pup (so that she doesn't eat something she shouldn't or go potty in the house), we have little time to do our normal chores. Greg and I have agreed that no matter what, we need to concentrate on our health first and foremost. That means his medications are done on time and regularly as well as us making time to head to the gym in order to get our exercise in every other day.

Even though life often throws us a curve ball, we must be ready to act quickly. When you are stricken with a terminal illness such as Cystic Fibrosis or are a transplant recipient, you need to make sure that no matter what the pitcher of life throws at you, you are ready for anything. Sure, you may not hit it out of the field but you need to at least be ready to swing at what is thrown.



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