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Friday, December 30, 2005

Add one to the list

There are always pros and cons to taking any medication. "Here, take this! It may make your hair fall out and you may start to talk like a chimp, but it will get rid of zits!" (laugh) Actually, with transplant drugs, 90% of the drugs taken are for side effects of the other drugs. Ironic, isn't it? Of course, we love tossing aside any of the medication but sometimes the drug bottle becomes sticky and it is like trying to get packing peanuts out of your hair and off your clothes! (I dislike packing peanuts very much!)

This morning Greg woke up with an acid taste in his mouth and soon enough, he was throwing up. Luckily, he hadn't yet taken his medications so we didn't need to worry about whether or not they were absorbed before he got sick. But, he knew that it was time to go back on the Ranitidine, which is nothing more than Zantac but none-the-less, it is yet another medication to add back to his list. Are we discouraged? No. But, I will admit that I hate this drug because it makes my food smell like nothing. Yes, you read that right - Greg does lose his sense of smell and most of the time the taste buds pack their bags as well. So, I either have to spice up the dishes more (and go through heartburn myself) or he has to deal with it. Luckily, we both agree on the latter but this is just one of the wonderful roller coaster rides of the transplant drugs. We can't complain though - thank God it is not anything like rejection!
