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Friday, December 09, 2005

Holidays Fast Approaching

With the holidays fast approaching, it is difficult to stay on top of what needs to get done. There are Christmas presents, baking cookies, insurance, holiday events, taxes... Wait! Okay, so those that do not have a medical condition in their family don't really put a lot of thinking into the insurance or taxes but in our family, we put a lot of thought into this things and need to make sure that everything is set up for the next year. Luckily for us, we have gotten the insurance signed up for (medical, vision, not dental) but there are the tons of medical expenses that we need to gather information on. Last year I did great on this because I took care of most of the medical items throughout the year but, well, I handed it over to my husband, and, well, his records are lacking in several areas. So, now I have the joy of going through all those medical trips, things we paid for out of our own pockets, and other deductibles. Can you just hear my anticipation? (laugh)

On top of that, I am running two online stores - Dakota's Den and Living Miracle - of which I am both redesigning and even added a couple of new designs to Living Miracle this morning. Unfortunately, we have not received a letter back from the donor family but I started to think about them and what I would want to say to them this holiday. Then I found a couple of wonderful poems that seemed to take the words out of my mouth. So, I created a thank you design and gift of life design around these poems - intended as a gift to the donor's family. I wish I could give this gift to them but it will just have to wait until they are ready. I do pray that they are okay and that they are able to enjoy the holidays as best as they can... But I don't know life from that side of the coin... So I will just pray and continue my work on raising awareness of organ donation.


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