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Monday, November 28, 2005

On my knees

Did you ever think about how big things seemed when you were a child? Because you were so small, the world seemed so vast, and so full of possibilities. As you got older, the world became smaller and you start to think that maybe all the possibilities you once thought existed, truly don’t exist. Ironically, it has nothing to do with the world but our perception of the world that changes.

Not only have we gotten on our knees and thanked the good Lord for the miracles and grace in our lives, but we have also done so to understand our perception of the world. To get down on your knees is twofold - one, you need to physically get down on your knees and decrease the size of your body - second, you need to humble yourself and realize that the power you have is given to you through God. Yes, my friends, the mind moves the body and if you change your perspective and understand that the world of possibilities still exists - the same world that you knew when you were a child - you will realize that you can do anything if you put your mind to it. Yes, there are circumstances in our lives that we feel have us under control but we are truly in control - think about it - if you choose not to make a choice about something - because of an external force you feel is against you - you are still making a choice. (smile) So, why not choose what is either best for you or that you want out of this world? Life is short and we are not promised tomorrow - why not make the choice to live today - in the world of possibilities!


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