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Monday, November 14, 2005

The Vampires

It is not my fault for not posting this weekend. *smile* You see, I was attacked by vampires on Saturday morning and needed to rest all weekend to recuperate. Not to worry though - I am not going to turn into a vampire for these are state licensed vampires and they just take your blood without giving anything back. *laugh* Yes, I am speaking about donating blood to those that need it and I am an avid blood donor. The only problem is that I am useless for 24 hours as it makes me very sick. Don’t ask me why - just does. But, it is well worth it and when they put a big tag on my pouch that says "Special Order" my spirits soar!

What is the "Special Order"? Well, it isn’t pancakes, toast, and a side of bacon - it is more like a someone at the local hospital needs my blood and needs it fast! Only 1 time out of all the times that I have given blood has my pouch NOT been marked for special order. Every other time though, it was heading straight over to the local children's hospital in order to save a child's life that same day! So, my little pouch moves to the front of the line to get tested so it could be rushed out the door and get its hero's badge! Unfortunately, this happens so often because people with my blood type "B+" don't like to donate blood... so the rest of us have to pull the slack for them! (Slackers!)

Why do I do this? Not for a medal or anything - not even for a seat next to God Himself (cause I already have my seat waiting and the view is good from every seat!) - it is because blood donations saved Greg's life and since he cannot give back, I give back for him. It is my way of giving back what was given to me - unconditional love. Someone out there did exactly what I did and it was because of them that my husband is alive. So, if I am out for the count once every 8 weeks, it is well worth it considering the life it saved!


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