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Thursday, November 10, 2005


"Life, it seems, is not without a sense of irony."
- Morphus (
The Matrix)

Join a health club and work out for 3 days and what do you get? The answer: increased lung function. It doesn't matter if you are healthy or have a disease; usually aerobic exercise increases a person's lung function. This is a good thing, of course. Ironically enough, the same holds true for a certain lung transplant recipient - my husband.

Yes, boys and girls, he announced to me the other day that his lung function baseline has increased. I do not have the specifics at this time but any increase is wonderful news. Not only has it done wonders for his lung functions but it seems to be helping to maintain his blood sugar levels - that have been out of whack because of all the transplant medications that he has been on. And we thought it couldn’t get any better. I have to admit that I have brought up the idea of joining a gym for quite some time now and he disregarded by advice. Then one day he "announces" (as he often does) that we are joining a gym. With only 3 days under his belt, I can only imagine what he will be like after 3 months or even 3 years. The possibilities are endless!


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