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Thursday, October 27, 2005

How dare I

I know, how dare I not post a blog entry yesterday. My apologies, dear friends, but it has been a bit hectic here. The flu shot made me a little sick (normal) and Greg had his appointment with infectious diseases (ID) yesterday at the transplant hospital. As for Greg's appointment, he has a mild staph in his lungs that is not contagious and he probably got it during one of his routine home nasal flushings. So, the ID doctor is going to meet with Greg's pulmonary transplant doctor and discuss how aggressive they want to be with this. It is not posing a threat right now and is a slow growing organism (multiples once every 2 days) so he is not at risk at this moment but could be if this is not taken care of right away. So, they will discuss antibiotics, possible CT scan, and possible bronchoscopy and in the meantime Greg has to either use sterile water or boiled water when doing his home nasal flushing to make sure he doesn't give the staph any more company.

In order to make sure we do everything we can, we have agreed to check out a house water softener and reverse osmosis (RO) system. On a side note, we also agreed to join a gym and signed up last night. It was Greg's idea this time - it seems that whenever something like this staph thing happens, he understands how crucial it is to take the best care of himself. I wish he would realize that without having to have something like this staph thing happen in order to remind him of how fragile life is.