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Thursday, October 20, 2005

Clean is not always clean

You do everything to make sure your house is clean. You dust, wax, mop, sweep, vacuum, wash, and so on - to no end - and think that the air your are breathing is as pure as you can get. Well, you may be like me and live in this little fantasy land or you may realize that hospitals aren't even really "clean". Why am I bringing this up? Because I take pride in the fact that I make sure our house is clean so that Greg has the best environment for his new lungs. Well, this morning I realized that I live in a fantasy world.

There was a stain on the carpet, which I decided to break out the steam cleaner for. (laugh) After I was done with the spot, I realized that the carpet wasn't actually clean at all for there lay before me a "clean" white spot with the normal carpet outlining it. Our carpet is dirty despite the fact that I vacuum every other day. And, to make matters worse, I looked at the steam cleaner and there was a ton of dog hair in it! (Ewww!) How can that be?? I just vacuumed the carpet last night and Dakota had not even stepped foot in that room. There shouldn't have been a speck of hair from her. Alas, I was fooled into thinking that the carpet was as clean as I could get it. So, Mr. Hoover, who has been sucking up all the nasty stuff from our carpets for the last 8 years, is being retired today and we are taking a hammer to our piggy bank and extending an invitation to Mr. Dyson to do the job that Mr. Hoover could not. On top of that, Mr. Stanley (Steamer, Carpet Cleaners) will be getting a little call from me today. There is no way Greg's lungs should be subjected to this... this... (sigh) I am at a loss for words in how dirty our carpet is... and it was just installed a year and a half ago!!

Makes a person want to tear up all the carpets and put down hardwood flooring! Wait! That's an idea... but unfortunately Mr. Bank Account says that is a fantasy so I guess Mr. Dyson and Mr. Stanley will have to be enough for now.

If this is an example of how well I have been keeping house - I think I need to do a little more investigating into my other cleaning habits. Gee - a wife's work is never done... now if I can figure out how to get Greg to do some more of this "work". (wink)
