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Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The plot thickens

An invitation without my name on it. Normally I would be upset but this is something Greg can do on his own (I love saying that!). Greg has been cordially invited to partake in a meeting of minds on Wednesday, October 26th by the transplant team at UW-Madison. Yes, I said that right - Greg has a last-minute appointment next week. (sigh) The transplant team called him yesterday and said, in so many words, that his last bronchoschopy test came back with a slight abnormality. It seems that there is this guy, named Staph, that has moved in and the transplant team wants Greg to see the infectious diseases team as soon as possible. At this point it poses no real threat to his wonderful new lungs but could if not looked after. From what they said, it is normal for this guy to come in uninvited in people with immunosuppressed systems. So, the bugger decided that Greg's new lungs were the perfect plot of land to build his new home on. Of course, Greg and I are handling this with a level head and knew that we can always get unwelcome guests but we, like the transplant team, want to be aggressive as possible in filing the eviction notice and kicking Mr. Staph's rear end to the curb.

As there is no new bronchscopy scheduled and Greg will not have to be sedated, I do not need to join him on this travel. It is a road best traveled by Greg, himself. You see, as I have mentioned in previous posts, the caregiver must let go at some point and trust the patient's health to the patient himself. That is not to say that I will not be by his side as he goes through this - alas, we are joined at the... umm... well... (blush) ... let's just say I am with him all the way! (wink) Not to fret dear friends and family, this too shall pass and we have faith that everything will work out as it should.

On a side note, I have finally compromised!! Yes, I said that "I" have learned to compromise. (smile) You see, in the last few weeks, I was actively searching for a health club for us to join as Greg had been lacking in the exercise area (okay, so was I!). He finally conceded and then I realized that no matter how much money we spent, he would not really use the health club because he does not feel comfortable exercising there. So, I sought some meditation time and realized that if he would not go to the exercise, I would have to bring it to him. So, I revamped what we loving call the "medicine room" in our house (where he does his transplant routine) and moved the TV into a better spot in front of the treadmill and made all the exercise equipment better to suit his needs. But, would this be enough? That was Monday night and last night (Tuesday) he grabbed his sneakers at 8pm (without me saying a word) and jumped on the treadmill for a good 30 minute run. And, to think, I didn’t have to nag - just had to do that compromise thingy. (wink) Hmmm - wonder what else I can compromise with in order to get him to fix some things around the house. (laugh)
