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Monday, October 24, 2005

Wonderful News!!

I was literally pulling out my hair looking for it. So many people said that it was a shame that our old blog was deleted because the step-by-step detailed moments of Greg's transplant were lost forever. Well, it seems that before I deleted the blog, I saved a text version of those special entries. Yes, you heard me right - I HAVE THE TRANSPLANT BLOG POSTS!! And, even better yet, I was able to recreate those roller coaster months during Greg's double lung transplant - October 2004 & November 2004. They have the exact same dates and times as when everything was happening. It seems the blogger didn't have a problem with my doing that after all. That transplant log helped so many people - so it was well worth the work. :) We hope it is able to help more people now. :) If you have any problems with it, please feel free to email me: shan at angelcove dot us.

God Bless!