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Monday, October 24, 2005

Inflated Balloon

Some have told me that I have the gift of gab and that my ability for the logical escapes even the greatest of minds. After much research (self-taught web development lessons), it has become clear that the path to keeping readers coming back for more is not through my "gift" of gab. It seems, that the longer any text within a web page, the less likely a visitor will sit down and read it. Does that mean that the blog posts will cease to exist, never! I will just have to teach myself how to be short but sweet - ahhh! But I am already short and sweet - standing at a mere 5'5" tall and sweeter than strawberry shortcake (alas, my childhood nickname *smile*). So, dear friends and family, from this point onward, I will try my hardest to keep the posts short, sweet, and to the point - to cut out any unnecessary "dribble" if you will. *smile*

My new mantra is "The blog is not a graduate Philosophy paper" and I shall repeat that phrase until I get it through this Descartes mind of mine! *wink* For now, please know that all is well in our corner of the world and we pray that health, happiness, and love follow you wherever you may travel.
