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Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Where's my post?

To be alive, to be able to see, to walk,'s all a miracle.
-- Arthur Rubinstein (1887-1982) Polish Pianist

I know, I know - there was no post early this morning per my normal routine. Things were a bit hectic around here with work so I could not take my morning break to post anything. With that said, I will move onto my actual post. :)

Yesterday I did not receive a call from the person that I was given a "head's up" about. After speaking with my husband about it and giving him a "head's up", he laughed and said that if the person which whom I was speaking about reads my blog, then this person would know exactly who they are. There were no subtleties contained in that blog and although some thought I was venting, I promise you that it was not a vent but an affirmation.

I try not to vent about such things as I have a deeper understanding of the true meaning and quality of life. If you are to vent, and keep anger against a person, then you are giving that person power. This is an alienation of what I was speaking about yesterday. I refuse to give up power so therefore I refuse to vent. The post, in and of itself, was more of an announcement and an expression of love for other people. I know - I see the confused look on your face at that statement. *smile* I guess it is easier to say that I was hoping to help others in knowing that they are not alone.

Too many people think that life is what they can get out of it - even if they hurt people in the process. Some people do not even realize that what they do hurts others. But, my friends, it is the power to get what you want out of life without falling victim to this game that truly matters. Therefore you need to be an "original" or "authentic" person. The word original means: "a first form from which varieties arise - an authentic work as opposed to an imitation or reproduction" (Will Smith - Lost & Found). If you know yourself and remain true to yourself, then nothing can hurt you. My previous post was my affirmation of who I truly am and that I am not willing to allow myself to be hurt. Granted, I will help other people but only those that respect me and my expertise. If, said person, were to truly respect me and my womanhood, then I would easily assist in any way, shape, or form that I could. Unfortunately, many people believe that they know what is best and if they truly do, then why seek out my advice in the first place?


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