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Thursday, November 03, 2005

Sharp as a tack

You would think that after exercising for an hour at a new health club, when you haven’t truly exercised in quite some time that your body would be sore the next morning. Ironically, my body is not sore and my mind is clearer than it has been in some time. It makes you wonder if the problems that people face and easily be rectified with providing some oxygen to one’s tired body through exercise. Then again, maybe this is not the case. (laugh) The reason I say that is because although Greg was not sore this morning from working out, his mind was still back in the warmth and comfort of our bed when he headed out to work this morning.

It is always difficult to get into a new routine but when the alternative is illness and disease, it is a necessary course of action. So, we have taken it upon ourselves to not let our bodies become the perfect home to colds and bugs. Instead, we will do what we need to in order to breathe a little easier every day. God gave him the gift of new lungs and we are not going to let them sit on a proverbial shelf and collect dust like those sweaters your Aunt May makes for you every Christmas. (wink)


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