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Friday, October 28, 2005

And so it begins

The cold season is upon us and as it made its way through Milwaukee, it decided to stop by our house first and give Greg a visit. (sigh) This morning he woke up with a sore throat and what seems to be the beginning of a cold. So, on my way back from dropping our puppy off at doggie daycare, I stopped at the 24-hour pharmacy and picked up the essentials - 2 boxes of Puffs Plus w/Lotion, 2 saline nasal sprays, and a bottle of Zicam (which is homeopathic cold nasal spray). Unfortunately, the Zicam sprayer was broken so Greg will just have to pick up another one on the way to work. Of course, we already have Cold Eeze, which Greg popped into his mouth as soon as he woke up and I had him take extra vitamin C. (sigh)

It is so early in the season to get a cold that I have to admit I am a bit worried. If he was able to catch a cold so early on, how will his immunosuppressed body make it through the rest of the winter? I pray that this is the first and last cold of the season for him and that we go at least another year without another one paying a visit to our home.