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Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Sticking To It

Just because it is easier to not do something than to do something that does not mean it is right. If you make a decision to do something, don’t become lazy, but stick to your promises. These promises may be to someone you love, a colleague, or even yourself. The harder road is often the road less traveled and the one that is most fruitful.

Remember to live through example. If you want someone to get fit, get fit yourself. If you want someone to stop smoking, don’t smoke. If you want someone to love and respect you no matter what, love and respect that person no matter what they do to you. Yes, it is a path that does not already have footprints in which you can follow but now is the time for you to set footprints for others to follow down this path. Why lead them through the mud instead of through the meadows? *smile*

Just something to ponder as we make our Thanksgiving prayers tomorrow. May God bless you and keep you and yours safe during this holiday.


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