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Thursday, November 17, 2005


*sigh* The loss of a friend is often a difficult thing to handle but it is even more difficult when the life of the friend is so closely related to that of your husband.

I met James around 10 years ago, online, through a Cystic Fibrosis mailing list. That was back when Greg and I first started to date and I knew nothing about CF. James provided a great deal of information and through the years he has offered both prayers and encouragement. Just this morning, I received an email from his brother that Jesus has called James home. *sigh* I have spent some time crying both for the loss of a friend and the joy of him receiving the chance to breathe free. Yes, my friends, James had Cystic Fibrosis as well and had just received a double lung transplant a few weeks ago. Unlike Greg, James had a difficult time after the transplant and never left the hospital after his transplant. *sigh* He battled greatly and like Greg, he was at the end stage of his disease when he received his miracle. Yes, I still consider it a miracle because he was released from those diseased lungs and given the opportunity to breathe deeply, without pain or discomfort. Unfortunately, he had to leave this Earth to do so...

Thank you James - for being a friend when others needed you and for never giving up your faith - no matter how difficult things became.


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