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Sunday, November 20, 2005

Fluttering Mind

It is not often that my mind is hit with a whirlwind of thought but when it does, better watch out! Why today, out of all days - when nothing particular is going on? Well, my friends, it has to do with the new Harry Potter movie.

Yeah, I know some of you don’t understand my particular fascination with a series of children's books that were turned into movies but I assure it that it has nothing to do with the dark arts. Quite frankly, it has to do with living beyond the norm, finding a true purpose in life, believing in you, and understand the strength and value in friendship. I will admit that as a child, fantasy books were my escape from the hardships that I was enduring but, today, they serve a greater purpose and give me permission to let my mind soar!

You have to realize that growing up; I was always told what I could not do rather than given positive reinforcement. My father would always get on my case about how great my grades would be in school if I just applied myself to all subjects as I did for my art and pottery classes. No, I was never short on imagination and the collection that soon filled our homes - ceramic art and colorful artistic representations of life - stood as a testimony to that passion that grew within me. Yes, my friends, I was even so talented as to have been part of a few art exhibits outside of school. Alas, something I have never really spoken about because of the shame that I had been taught to have for my passionate and artistic side.

So, with that being said, this whirlwind of thoughts has created a single drive to move forward in having a job that I love and loving my job. It is for that reason I have decided to take my company up on some additional training courses provided and dive into the world of graphic design and web development more fully. Right now I am only getting my big toe wet - but I plan to push all fears aside and head for that high board for an exhilarating plunge into the artistic realm of technology.


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