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Monday, November 21, 2005

"Down" Week

This is one of the few weeks in the year that I call a "down" week. It is a time where work is slow and people have their minds places other than the here and now. For this holiday week of Thanksgiving, kids have off school and people who are working (and not hunting) are getting ready for a feast beyond feasts on Thursday.

My mind is still racing and I have things to do. No Thanksgiving at our house but this is a week for me to start those simple little changes I have been talking about. You see, it is difficult for me to make changes because for so long my life was devoted to ensuring that my husband and his health (including insurance) were protected. It is difficult for me to let that part of my "responsibility" go - for Greg is now able to take care of himself. It is just that when you live one way for so long, you forget that there is any other way to live. It is time for me to remember that. While speaking with Greg last night, I admitted that although I am content in my marriage, I am not content in my life. His job happens to encompass his passion of architecture, while mine does not. Again, I do not want to leave my current company and plan to stay there for some more months (if I cannot transfer to another department) but now is the time for me to set the wheels of change into motion and learn how to enjoy life once again. I am truly thankful for what my past has taught me and now it is time to take what I have learned and move on.


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