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Thursday, December 01, 2005

Day 1 of 10 days

It seems like it has been an eternity since we had gotten the news - Greg has some pseudomonas in his lungs - just a small bit - but enough to come up on a culture. And so he was started on a 10-day cycle of Colistamethate every month until his next bronchoscopy. Tonight will be the first night of the month where he has to do his nebulized treatment but it is a small price to pay for the freedom of being able to breathe. I would much rather do without the nebulized treatments at all but as he has said all too often: "By having a transplant, you are just trading one disease for another." I will grant you that this is a far cry from what he had to do a little over a year ago; before his transplant. Of course, there was also the huge oxygen tank that once lived in the middle of our house with a 20 ft oxygen tube coming from it - Greg used to call this his "leash" and hated it. With all of this taken into account, we truly cannot complain. Yes, it is not good to have this bug in his new lungs but we are working to get the buggers out now before they decide to plot land. As long as we stay 1 step ahead, we can never fall behind.


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