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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Still Climbing

"6 months after the transplant and you will reach the highest lung function you will ever reach", says the surgeon just days after a double lung transplant. There is no response today other than to laugh. Over a year post-transplant and my husband has hit a new all-time high! I believe that his new all time high gets him to the 77% lung function mark. Yes, boys and girls - he just keeps climbing that mountain even after the hospital told him he would reach the peak at 6 months and either stay there or fall slowly down the slope. Well, he is still climbing - looking upward - and working to reach the summit of all lung functions. Yes, you guessed it - Greg is working towards a perfect 100% lung function!

I will grant you that he may never reach it - heck, there are a majority of healthy humans that never reach it but it is his goal, his ambition, his future! As long as he continues to exercise, take his medications regularly, and put his health first and foremost, he has great odds of reaching the summit.


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