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Monday, December 12, 2005

Had to give the bad news

You may remember that I was giving advice to someone who was looking to enter a relationship with a CF person. Well, after a few discussions, I had to give this person the bad news - as far as my experience tells me and from what I was hearing from this person - they were not meant to be in a relationship with this other person. The person with CF is just not emotionally strong because of this illness and since they had not even formally entered a relationship as of yet, it just doesn't seem to me that it is going to work out.

Now don't go blasting me about breaking up a relationship! I am just being honest. In about 99% of the relationships with a CF person, I stand behind the relationship and tell them they can make it through and it is worth it. Unfortunately, these two are at totally different ends of their thinking patterns and I am not sure if the relationship would work without the CF. I am saddened by this because I have found such a wonderful love in my husband - even though he has Cystic Fibrosis and has had a double lung transplant. He has a beautiful soul and I would hate to have him removed from my life. But, unlike this other person, my husband has always seen himself beyond the disease. He used to go to work with O2 and home IVs in his bag. This disease never stood in his way and it was only during his times of true illness (to him) that my support and care were really needed. Yes, I have gone above and beyond for this man during his time of need but when you enter a relationship with someone with CF, you have to realize that at some time, there may come a time when everything in your own world stops and the only thing that is important is that person and their health. Vacations are brushed off, kids may never happen, and the career path you chose may not be the same one you travel down. Yes, it is called sacrifice and with this disease, they are made often.


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