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Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

Although 2005 has ended, those trials that we have been through remain with us. It is not that we keep them alive but, instead, we use what we have learned to better ourselves and our future. Had Greg and I not worked together to get him healthy after his double lung transplant, we would not have learned how blessed we truly are and that we can overcome anything put in our path. There is a saying that what does not kill us only makes us stronger and although some people believe they cannot handle certain situations, they have such a great strength buried deep within that can get them through anything. I was one of those people that did not think I could even live through a hang nail let alone being a primary caregiver for someone with a terminal illness such as cystic fibrosis (CF). In the last 5 years, I have become a believer of the true power and testament of faith as well as believe in myself and my own strength to overcome things I would have never imaged before.

With the new year, please know that you too are strong enough to endure and work through the bad times. Never give up hope, faith, and remember to believe in yourself!

God Bless!


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