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Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Birthday Blessings

Today is my 32nd birthday and although I may joke about how I am 29 again, I really don't mind my age. Someone once said that age is just a number and you are only as old as you feel. Well, if that is the case, I am 17 again. (smile) Why? Because although I have a ton of responsibility, I don't let it get to me. Granted, today I felt a little like crying when I was sleep deprived from the new puppy and found out that there was no room at the doggie daycare for our 10-month old lab. Yes, we bring our one dog to doggie daycare because it helps socialize her so that she will be a better therapy dog down the line. It was supposed to allow me time alone with our new 8-week old puppy, since I have the day off and I wanted to begin her training. The two of them love each other but it is a lot of work to try to do everything at once.

But cry, I did not! I just remembered that things could be worse and that this will pass. It is only through hard work do we have positive outcomes, so I will just take it one step at a time. Also, I remembered that I am a human and they are dogs - they both have crates and can be crated for periods of time if needed. Like this particular moment - the 8-week old (Cheyenne) is in the crate while her 10-month old sister (Dakota) is sleeping on the floor. But, honestly, I did not start this blog to talk about my chocolate Labrador retrievers, but rather to talk about age and health.

Why? Because my birthday blessing is not only that I am alive to enjoy it but that my husband has hit another all-time high. He has broken through the barrier that one of his respiratory therapists told him he would never attain. She told him he could pretty much expect only around 50% lung function as his all-time high. Well, I am proud to announce that he has broken through that barrier with flying colors and is now sitting at 80% lung function! Yes, you read that right! Greg has 80% lung function with his new transplanted lungs. So, no matter how old I am or how old Greg is - this is what truly matters in life - the life itself - not the age! We have no idea how old his lungs are but what does that matter? He is alive and enjoying life! So, my birthday blessing is life and the lives of those I love - including Greg's organ donor and the donor's family. What a true blessing!


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