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Sunday, February 05, 2006

Bar Life

3.5 year wait and 5 dry runs later and my husband ends up in a bar. Yes, you read that right - my wonderful husband is enjoying his new life, for the first time since his transplant, in a bar. Why? Why not? It is Superbowl Sunday people! I do not care for football one bit. Actually I am a declared "football widow" and proud of it. My husband loves football and I can care less. I don't bug him about it and he doesn't bug me about it.

So, when he was invited to go out with the boys to watch the game at a bar, why not go? Yes, there is smoke but he doesn't go into a bar that often - maybe once every year - so he is more than capable of handling it. And, even with the medication, he can still have one beer. Am I upset about him going out while I am home with two sick dogs? No way! I want my husband to enjoy his life and he deserves to spend some time with his friends. The way I see it - we are married and part of each other's life but we are not each other's whole lives. So many people spend their lives trying to control other's ripples in the pond of life but it is when you allow the ripples to form and be free that true beauty is found and life is truly enjoyed.



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