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Friday, January 27, 2006

Healthy Pain

We live in a country that is saturated with greed and overindulgence. Our society has gotten fat - both on money and in the very realistic body fat zone. The reason we have gotten this way is because it is easier to be fat then it is to be a healthy weight. Why? It is partly because of our upbringing but also because we are always stuck in high gear, always on the go, and always moving at the speed of light. In order to keep up with the fast pace of our lives, we need fast food.

Tony Robbins is a motivational speaker who talks about the pain verses pleasure principle. It is more painful to be a healthy weight then it is to be a fat weight. Some would think this is ironic given all of the medical conditions and mental anguish people who are fat go through but it is true. At my heaviest, I weighed 208lbs on a 5'5" frame. My Italian family said I was big boned and even at then tender age of 13, I remember trying to get my size 9 pants zipped up with a fork in the hole of the zipper to act as a force from which to pull it up while sucking in my stomach until it felt like it would come out of my back. By graduation from high school, I was a size 16 in woman's clothes and my family thought it was great.

Well, behold, I am now 130lbs and a size 4. My family thinks I starve myself but chocolate covered cherries would beg to differ. I joke with them with the statement: "Who would have thought that there was a small boned girl under the large boned girl!" And why am I this way today? It is simply that God gave me one body and to disregard this gift that he has given me, yes, that of my body, would be disrespectful. So, I cut back on the refined sugars, ate less bad fat, and started to exercise. Yes, I will admit that I fell off the exercise bronco for a while but two days ago, I got back on and even though my muscles are sore and I long for a bucket of cookie dough ice cream, I will return to the gym tonight with my wonderful husband and we may even stop by the local custard shop for a small scoop and no guilt!



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