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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Life and Death

Yes, you already know how much we appreciate life and how blessed we feel we are but I am having difficulty understanding other people. People place so much emphasis on what they "need" in order to live and yet it is not a need but a selfish want that drives these people. It is strange to me because I don't understand what I truly want from life as it is but I know what I need to live - such as air, water, money (enough to keep the roof over our heads, insurance, food, etc.) and so on. Our Saturn's are fully paid for and are over 6 years old each and yet they get us from place A to place B. Some have made fun of us because we don't have new cards. We could afford a more expensive house but this house is sufficient for us at this time.

Then there are other people that want to die because someone specific doesn't love them, they don't have a new car, they had a fight with someone, or they don't have a huge house. Okay, when I was a teenager, I could understand this because I was a suicidal manic depressive teen. But with everything we have been through with Greg's health, I finally broke free of that thought pattern and now it is difficult for me to understand how people think that way. I just wish I could help people better understand - but I guess it is not my place to do so at this time - that is why I place my faith in God - that He will bring peace to these people and break them free of these thought patterns as well.



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