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Friday, February 03, 2006

Stable & Peaceful II

It is a great feeling to have some peace and quiet in your life when only months before, your life was far from peaceful. With the news of Greg's great health, we were told there was only one small thing that wasn't that good and that was his Tacro (anti-rejection medication) levels. It turns out that somehow is it down to 3 when the normal range is 7-15. So, Greg now has to take 2mg in the morning and 2mg at night instead of his normal 2mg and 1.5mg. A small price to pay considering the wonderful gift of life he has been given with his lung transplant. In all reality, Cystic Fibrosis is a terminal childhood illness (or so it is classified) therefore he should not have lived as long as he did in order to get a life-saving organ transplant.That is where miracles are found. There is the miracle of life and the sharing of life and then there is the miracle of peace in one's life. We have had both and it is during this time that we are able to reflect on our lives and see how truly blessed we are. We, my friends, are truly blessed - not with money or material items but with life, peace, and love. What a true blessing!



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