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Saturday, February 18, 2006

Giving to others

As I had stated in my previous post, I am not without the gift of gab. Shortly after I had written the post, it was placed on my heart to send "Calling in Life" out to two newsgroups that I frequent - Cystic-L and SecondWind: the former having to do with Cystic Fibrosis and the latter is a support group for those pre and post lung transplant patients and their families. I had no idea what type of response I would get back from such a sharing of my deepest feelings - I had actually thought that no one would even really read it. Alas, I was once again mistaken and it seems what I had thought to be my calling in life was exactly as I had predicted. In fact, I received a number of emails stating how the person was depressed that day or trying to figure out what their own calling in life was. They sat down to their computers and there was my email, talking about the abilities that we often overlook and how we should use our God-given talents to better the world and not aim to be that one person that finds the cure to some horrible disease when we, in fact, have no gift of medical exploration or the innate ability to even give the correct chemical formula for water. (okay, so I do know that one!)

To some, it was like a load of bricks hitting them and giving them a wake up call. To others it was an affirmation and a confirmation that they were doing exactly what they should be or overlooking the simplest of answer. Yes, once again, God has used me and my gifts to help others - even when writing my blog entry wasn't intended to do so. You know, when you just follow the flow and let things happen instead of always trying to make things happen, sometimes the biggest gifts are received. For me, it was those responses that proved to me that I am on the right track and still helping others in the smallest of ways.



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